We’ve developed a whole suite of information on our website to help you understand the issues and risks you face if you are a homeowner planning building works.
Congratulations on getting this far. Most people planning renovations or extensions don’t. They either haven’t heard of renovation insurance or don’t think they need it. The Renovators area of our site is for people like you – the ones who want to know more about what could go wrong during building work and how to protect their home.
Just look up at the top menu to gain immediate access to the parts of the site that are designed for you in mind – or head straight to our key introductory articles shown below:
Why renovation insurance matters
Your home is probably your most valuable asset. When you undertake renovations you are putting this most important asset at a much greater risk of damage or loss than ever before. What if something did go wrong? The costs could be crippling and the emotional impact devastating.
Find out more about the risks you face.
Think you’re already covered?
Many people assume that between their home insurance and their builder’s insurance they are insured for their renovation work and protected in the event that anything goes wrong. The simple fact is you are not. The reality is that most builders don’t understand their insurance arrangements and how they work. Sadly, most direct insurers and brokers don’t understand how home insurance is affected by works or what to do about it.
Take a look at the myths homeowners believe.